Monday, April 7, 2008

Hillary Heads To Oz

To Ask Wizard For a Heart.
According to today's NY Times The Clintons, LLC (TM) campaign strategist, Mark Penn--whose ancestors discovered Pennsylvania--has been allowed to fall on his sword for several strategy gaffes, chief among them Hillary's inability to win the nomination despite husband Bill's aide, but as The Times reported, Penn had one overriding fault: "Mr. Penn also early on resisted efforts to humanize Mrs. Clinton..."
Insisting that Hillary is, or could be, human--depending on what the definition of "is" is--former President Bill Clinton announced that his running mate, Hillary, will finally take that yellow road all presidential hopefuls must crawl to Oz in order to ask the Wizard for, in her case, a heart. President Clinton noted that she'd better not "chill out," since chief rival, Obama, long ago made the journey and received his courage, plus, Senator McCain, who hasn't been seen since locking up the Republican nomination, is reportedly in Oz and close to getting an economic and foreign policy brain (with help from his tutor, Joe "Whisper In My Ear" Lieberman).
The Lollipop League (r) superdelegates are at this stage uncommitted but given how much cuter Obama is than The Clintons, LLC (TM), BPNN polls indicate that independent Oz voters may cut Hillary loose and let her drift away....and that goes for her little dog, too.
© 2008, Dorothy, Ks., Blog Party News Network (BPNN), Artie Azzetti, editor-on-the-lam, all rights rescinded. Some irritation may occur.

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