Thursday, August 9, 2007

Romney Struts His Military Prowess

In the final days along the Iowa campaign trail leading to Saturday's Republican Strawman Poll (TM), Mitt 'The Kid' Romney, NRA member-for-life-since-last-year, waved the yellow ribbon in support of US troops by touting his family's military service record: "My sons are all adults and they've made decisions about their careers and they've chosen not to serve in the military and active duty and I respect their decision in that regard."*
The Kid then went on to explain to a polite but unimpressed Bettendorf, Iowa audience how those sons of Mitt's serve the troops without the inconvenience of actually serving with the troops: "One of the ways my sons are showing support for our nation is helping me get elected because they think I'd be a great president." *
Mitt, in his quest for greatness by becoming the new Commander Guy-In-Chief, has made it clear on several occasions that, as a draft-eligible young man, he'd chosen not to exercise his option to serve when eligible during the Vietnam War, preferering, instead, to take the Clintonian path of least draft exposure in Europe. Some analysts say that this pro-choice stance may come back to haunt, although, it's assumed that if pressed, The Kid -- and now The Kid's Kids -- will have a new stance, nullifying any previous stances. Because, dang, gotta admit, they do look presidential.
Former POW, Senator McCain (R-AZ), whose son is currently serving in the Marines, was not reached for comment. The Blog Party News would support and gladly referee a debate between the Romney Boys and Marine McCain. We suggest it be held in the Veterans Auditorium in Des Moines on November 11. Only veterans and their families would be invited to attend.
* Sadly, an actual quote
dateline: Bettendorf, Iowa. Artie Azzetti, editor-on-the-lam, The Blog Party News ©
Blog Party Family Value Statement: The Blog Party News does not wish to drag innocent political family members into the arena. However, once a politician's relative steps on stage--all's fair.
--the publisher

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