Sunday, June 3, 2007

Clinton Serves It Up in Iowa

Hilly, Self-proclaimed TeleTubby Front Runner, Two-Steps at Iowa Pol Potluck

Proving, once again, that she has a long way to go before winning Iowa's uncommitted hearts, Hilly, appeared at the Iowa Blog Party's Candidate Pot Luck held in the Odd Fellows Hall in Cedar Rapids on June 2, with what she referred to as a "casserole" of ideas. The crowd--polite Midwesterners all--quietly gasped at the faux pas. "This is a potluck," Jane C. Freber of Muscatine, remarked on the serving line. "Hilly should know (that) you bring a 'hot dish' to a pot luck, not a casserole." Freber then scooped a small portion of scalloped potatoes onto her paper plate while quietly noting to her husband, Frank, that the edges weren't crisp. "Half-baked," he agreed. The Frebers had recently lost their home to a tornado and said that they appreciated Hilly's show of concern, aware that her "casserole" had--as Hilly noted twice in her opening comments--indeed, arrived sooner than FEMA. Still, as Mr. Freber noted, "That's no reason to vote for someone." Mrs Freber quietly added, "At least she didn't try to hug us, like her husband kept doing." Mr. Ferber corrected his wife, "Hugged you."

A dance immediately followed the pot luck at which point Hilly redeemed herself by challenging fellow TeleTubby candidate, Rudy, to break dance on the gymnasium floor. Both Frebers agreed that Hilly out-danced Rudy. "Kicked his butt," Jane C. Freber commented. Coffee and sheet cake were then served. At 9 PM chairs and tables were folded and stored away as the candidates left for New Hampshire, all except John Edwards who stayed behind to be photographed folding a chair and handing it to a retired union iron worker who complimented Edwards on his hair and blue jeans.

For more details see the NY Times:


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