Rapped the 'G-Man' in an impromptu composition he called "I Try Not To" © :
"I try not to, (but)
"I can’t con-trol
"What Thompson does
"And I can’t con-trol
"What Romney does
"And I can’t con-trol
"What John McCain does.”
The G-Man then danced backwards onstage, shifted his baseball cap (NY Yankees) and swung the gold chains around his next before rapping up:
“Maybe I can
"Re-act to
"What they do?
"But I try and think (pointing to his head)
"A-bout what’s
"Our stra-te-gy
"And our stra-te-gy
"Is to try and have
"A pro-por-tion-ate
"Effort in these states
"To try
"As best we can
"To put ourselves
"In a good position
"In the big states
"And then..."
Rudy spun around, vamped, and pointing his finger at the camera, concluded:
"Try and win
"As many of
"The small-er states
"As pos-si-ble." *
It was unclear if Giuliani thought Iowa was a small state given its geographic size.
Meanwhile, appearing on a poverty stage in West Virginia, TT candidate, Johnny 'The Hairman' Edwards (D-Attorney), wrapped up his Richman/Poorman '07 Tour (TM) with his new campaign song, "Everybody Else,"© to the tune of Paul Anka's (for Frank Sinatra) "My Way" © :
"This cause,
"This march we’re on,
"Is not just about--
"The po-or.”
Edwards paused to indicate the audience and flash his boyish, good-looks grin while untangling his running shoes from the mic cord, and, as the crowd begged for relief, he continued in a different key, because Insta-polling (TM) indicated a need for change:
"Everybody’s at risk.
"Everybody’s vulnerable.”
The band music swelled as Edwards wound up for the big finale:
"Two Americas:
"Are the very rich..."
And after thumping his own chest and shedding a digitally-enhanced tear visible on the large screen behind him, Edwards humbly spread his arms and concluded:
"And ev-er-y-bo-dy...else!” **
Amid fireworks, he then climbed aboard a campaign bus after unfurling a banner that read: Idaho Or Bus!
dateline: Sioux City, Iowa, Artie Azzetti, editor-on-the-lam, The Blog News. ©
*Actual candidate quotes: See NY Times July, 19, 2007
** Actual candidate quotes: (ibid)
All songs and/or RAP ©-protected ASCAP, BMI, BBC, MD, SUX, AM & FM, quoted under the Fair Use Treaty of 1977
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