Thursday, July 19, 2007

Giuliani Gloats, Edwards Glows

Appearing at an unscheduled grand opening of the newest IHOP (Iowa House Of Politics (TM)) franchise in Sioux City, Iowa, TT candidate Rudy 'The G-Man' Giuliani, responded in RAP to accusations by RAP competitor, Freddie 'Boom-Boom Law And/Or Order' Thompson that he'll "whoop The G-Man into G-Whiz" in the Iowa Republican Strawman Poll (TM) to be held August 11 during the Democrat's Iowa State Fair (TM).

Rapped the 'G-Man' in an impromptu composition he called "I Try Not To" © :
"I try not to, (but)
"I can’t con-trol
"What Thompson does
"And I can’t con-trol
"What Romney does
"And I can’t con-trol
"What John McCain does.”
The G-Man then danced backwards onstage, shifted his baseball cap (NY Yankees) and swung the gold chains around his next before rapping up:
“Maybe I can
"Re-act to
"What they do?
"But I try and think (pointing to his head)
"A-bout what’s
"Our stra-te-gy
"And our stra-te-gy
"Is to try and have
"A pro-por-tion-ate
"Effort in these states
"To try
"As best we can
"To put ourselves
"In a good position
"In the big states
"And then..."
Rudy spun around, vamped, and pointing his finger at the camera, concluded:
"Try and win
"As many of
"The small-er states
"As pos-si-ble." *

It was unclear if Giuliani thought Iowa was a small state given its geographic size.

Meanwhile, appearing on a poverty stage in West Virginia, TT candidate, Johnny 'The Hairman' Edwards (D-Attorney), wrapped up his Richman/Poorman '07 Tour (TM) with his new campaign song, "Everybody Else,"© to the tune of Paul Anka's (for Frank Sinatra) "My Way" © :

"This cause,

"This march we’re on,

"Is not just about--

"The po-or.”

Edwards paused to indicate the audience and flash his boyish, good-looks grin while untangling his running shoes from the mic cord, and, as the crowd begged for relief, he continued in a different key, because Insta-polling (TM) indicated a need for change:

"Everybody’s at risk.

"Everybody’s vulnerable.”

The band music swelled as Edwards wound up for the big finale:

"Two Americas:

"Are the very rich..."

And after thumping his own chest and shedding a digitally-enhanced tear visible on the large screen behind him, Edwards humbly spread his arms and concluded:

"And ev-er-y-bo-dy...else!” **

Amid fireworks, he then climbed aboard a campaign bus after unfurling a banner that read: Idaho Or Bus!


dateline: Sioux City, Iowa, Artie Azzetti, editor-on-the-lam, The Blog News. ©

*Actual candidate quotes: See NY Times July, 19, 2007

** Actual candidate quotes: (ibid)

All songs and/or RAP ©-protected ASCAP, BMI, BBC, MD, SUX, AM & FM, quoted under the Fair Use Treaty of 1977

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