Thursday, January 24, 2008

Huckabee Update: Pol's Pole Poll

These Colors Don't Run (For President)
The Reverend/Governor of Arkansas--one of the many former Arkansas governors running for president--Mike Huckleberry, abandoned his usual aw-shucks approach to weighty issues, such as should Tony Dow be inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, and squarely faced the Confederate Flag Burning Amendment issue by stating: "We tell them, you're going to tell us what to do with our flag? We'll tell you what to do with the pole."*
"Them" was not available for comment, having been stunned by the Reverend/Governor's white lightning wit. But, as folks here 'bouts in Arkansas know, when them says nuthin', them's sho-nuf plannin' somethin'.
Meanwhile half of the other former Arkansas governor team running for president responded by saying, "I suggested that Hillary add a pole to her campaign stage performances."
A recent PBS/Fox/BPNN poll suggests that the pole issue plays well in Arkansas and South Carolina where candidate Johnny "Also-Ran" Edwards is expected to release a pole plan of his own, one that recognizes the pole as an integral part of the US economy "going forward."
* True quote
dateline: Polecat Trailer Haven, Arkansas, Artie Azzetti, editor-on-the-lam Blog Party News Network (BPNN) ©, all rights reheated.

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