Monday, January 28, 2008

Kennedys Don't Go For Clintons

GOP in Panic
Conservative radio talk show host, Surge Windbag, abandoned his usual schoolyard bully tone as he shocked his 13.5 million listeners by pleading on air for The Kennedys--Senator Ted and JFK's daughter, Caroline--to reconsider their separate endorsements of Barrage Obama. "You must support Hillary!" Surge begged. "My whole career rests on her...(sniffle)...she's always been there for me...(whimper)...without Hillary," Windbag confessed, "I got nothing...(radio tears)...nothing....we'll be back after this..."
When asked to comment on the Kennedy defection, The Clintons (TM) responded by saying, "I don't need 'em, I still plan on getting elected...oh, heh, just don't tell the wife, though." Hillary, who was campaigning in American Samoa, could not be reached for comment.
dateline: New York, New York, Artie Azzetti, editor-on-the-lam, Blog Party News Network (BPNN) ©, all rights rerecorded.

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